Workshop Exercise 2.2 - Creating Custom Credentials for Kickstart Template

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In this exercise, we’re going to leverage the custom credential types feature of Ansible Controller to securely store some information that’ll be templated into our kickstart file.

This gives us some additional functionality because:

  1. Sensitive information will be stored in Ansible Controller securely
  2. Multiple credentials can be built off the same credential to allow for provisioning differences between sites/geos/etc.

Quick Review

In the previous exercise, we set up our kickstart template with some variables. These variables relate to the following details:

For the user created during kickstart:

Variable Description
kickstart_user_username The username of the user that will be created on the system
kickstart_user_password The password of the user that will be created on the system

For the ostree repo containing the location of where to pull the commit from:

Variable Description
ostree_repo_protocol The protocol to use when accessing the repo (http/https)
ostree_repo_host The host of the ostree repo
ostree_repo_port The port to use when accessing the repo
ostree_repo_path The path on the server where the repo can be accessed
ostree_os_name The name of the OS in the repo
ostree_ref The ref to pull and deploy

For authenticating to the Ansible Controller API:

Variable Description
controller_host Where Ansible Controller is running
controller_api_username The username to use to authenticate to the Ansible Controller API
controller_api_password The password to use to authenticate to the Ansible Controller API

Optionally, if using wifi for physical devices:

Variable Description
wifi_network The wireless network's SSID
wifi_password The wireless network's password

Step 1 - Reviewing Created Custom Credential Types

Under the Administration tab, select Credential Types to view the available custom credential types. There should be five available in total and three corresponding to the information above in the review section:

Custom Credential Types

Select the Kickstart User credential type to view more information:

Kickstart User Credential Type

Custom credential types are composed to two main concepts: Inputs and Injectors.

Review all three types for familiarity.

Step 2 - Creating Credentials from Custom Credential Types

Custom credential types behave exactly like other credential types; meaning we simply need to create a new credential and select the type we want to use.

First, let’s create a credential for our kickstart user info. Under Resources, select Credentials, and click the Add button at the top of the page.

Enter the following information to create a new credential:

Parameter Value
Name Kickstart User
Organization (Your_Student_Organization)
Credential Type Kickstart User
Kickstart User Username ansible
Kickstart User Password (a-password-of-your-choice)

Once complete, click Save

Repeat the process for OSTree info by creating a new credential with the following details:

Parameter Value
Name OSTree Info
Organization (Your_Student_Organization)
Credential Type OSTree Info
OSTree Repo Protocol http
OSTree Repo Host the-kickstart-host-from-student-page
OSTree Repo Port 80
OSTree Repo Path rhde-image/repo
OSTree OS Name rhel
OSTree Ref rhel/8/x86_64/edge

Remember to click Save.

To authenticate to the Ansible Controller API, create the following Credential:

Parameter Value
Name Ansible Controller API Authentication Info
Organization (Your_Student_Organization)
Credential Type Ansible Controller API Authentication Info
Controller Host the-controller-host-from-your-student-page
Controller API Username your-student-username
Controller API Password the-controller-password-from-your-student-page

Remember to click Save.

Finally, if provisioning a physical device over wireless, create a final credential for wireless information:

Parameter Value
Name Wireless Network Info
Organization (Your_Student_Organization)
Credential Type Wireless Network Connection Info
Wireless Network SSID (provided-by-your-instructor)
Wireless Network Password (provided-by-your-instructor)

Remember to click Save.

Step 3 - Creating a Machine Credential

Finally, we’ll want to create one last credential that Ansible will use to authenticate to the device once it’s provisioned. This should match the credential inputs of the Kickstart User Info previously.

Enter the following information:

Parameter Value
Name Device Credentials
Organization (Your_Student_Organization)
Credential Type Machine
Username ansible
Password kickstart-password-provided-above
Privilege Escalation Password kickstart-password-provided-above

We’ll attach these credentials to a job template in the next exercise.


Kickstart User credential:

Kickstart User Credential

OSTree Info credential:

OSTree Info Credential

Ansible Controller API credential:

Ansible Controller API Credential

Wireless Network credential:

Wireless Network Credential

Machine credential:

Machine Credential


Some values may be different, depending on the lab environment. Refer any questions to the lab instructor.


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