Workshop Exercise 4.1 - Updating Image for a Bare Metal Application

Table of Contents


In this exercise, we’ll review creating a new image via automation to host our bare metal application.

For a reminder on the application we’re deploying, review exercise 1.5.


We will be purposefully configuring the device incorrectly in this exercise. It is important to avoid performing these same configurations in production environments. While running applications is suitable on RHDE and can be secured approperately, this lab focuses on RHDE and not SELinux/fapolicyd/etc. In addition, this reinforces that migrating to containers helps simplify the securing of appliccations. In addition, EPEL is not supported by Red Hat.

Step 1 - Reviewing the Requirements for the Application

Since this application requires the Mosquitto MQTT broker and nodeJS 16, we need to add packages to our image to run the application.

In the interest of time, this has been done for you and will be made available by the instructor. This image was composed using the infra.osbuild Ansible collection, which takes a common set of variables and completely automates interactions with Image Builder.

Specifically, this image was customized with the following variables:

- version: 2.0.0
   type: edge-commit
   - name: EPEL8
      type: yum-baseurl
      check_ssl: true
      check_gpg: false
      - vim-enhanced
      - git
      - nano
      - mosquitto
      - nodejs
      - NetworkManager-wifi
      - ansible-core

Here we can see that we’ve added EPEL as a repository for Image Builder, and mosquitto and nodejs packages are added to the image.

Step 2 - Automated Device Update

Proceed to this exercise for next steps on how to get your device updated to the correct image version.


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