Workshop Exercise 5.1 - Updating the Image for Deploying a Containerized Application

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In this exercise, we’ll review creating a new image via automation to host our now containerized application.

For a reminder on the application we’re deploying, review exercise 1.5.

Step 1 - Reviewing the Requirements for the Application

Because we’ve moving to a containerized deployment for our application, we actually will be removing packages from the image. In addition, podman is always included in edge images produced by Image Builder. However, we wanted to call it out explicitly.

Also, included in edge images are buildah and skopeo to highlight that edge devices can be leveraged to build applications should local autonomy be desired. However, in a production deployment, it’s recommended to build container images as part of a CI/CD workflow, then deploy them out to edge devices.

In the interest of time, the image was previously built for you and made available by the instructor. This image was composed using the infra.osbuild Ansible collection, which takes a common set of variables and completely automates the interaction with Image Builder.

Specifically, this image was customized with the following variables:

  - version: 3.0.0
    type: edge-commit
      - vim-enhanced
      - git
      - nano
      - podman
      - buildah
      - skopeo
      - NetworkManager-wifi
      - ansible-core

Step 2 - Automated Device Update

Proceed to this exercise for next steps on how to get your device updated to the correct image version.


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