Workshop Exercise 6.5 - Deploy Application

Table of Contents


Now that we have the definitions for our application deployment, we’re going to let Ansible do the heavy lifting.

The following automation will:

  1. Slurp up the kubeconfig file from our edge device
  2. Create a namespace for our applications
  3. Push out our definitions

Step 1 - Creating Our Playbook

Return to your code repo and create a new file at playbooks/deploy-k8s-app.yml with the following contents:


- name: deploy application to k8s
    - all
      kubeconfig: /tmp/kubeconfig
      validate_certs: false
    - name: slurp up kubeconfig
        path: /var/lib/microshift/resources/kubeadmin/kubeconfig
      register: kubeconfig_raw
      become: true
    - name: create kubeconfig
      delegate_to: localhost
        content: "{{ (kubeconfig_raw['content'] | b64decode).replace('', ansible_host) }}"
        dest: /tmp/kubeconfig
    - name: allow API access
        port: 6443/tcp
        zone: public
        state: enabled
        immediate: true
        permanent: true
      become: true
    - name: make calls from localhost
      delegate_to: localhost
        - name: create namespace
            name: process-control
            kind: Namespace
            state: present
        - name: apply definitions
            namespace: process-control
            definition: "{{ lookup('file', yaml_file) | from_yaml }}"
            - files/mqtt-service.yaml
            - files/mqtt-deployment.yaml
            - files/simulate-deployment.yaml
            - files/control-deployment.yaml
            - files/ui-service.yaml
            - files/ui-deployment.yaml
            loop_var: yaml_file

This playbook handles grabbing the kubeconfig, setting the correct cluster address, then deploys our application.

Remember to commit and push your new playbook up to the git repo.

Step 2 - Creating a Job Template


Be sure to sync your project in Controller before attempting to create this job template. Make sure also to disable edge device firewall to allow calling k8s apis

In the Controller WebUI. under Resources > Templates, select Add > Add job template and enter the following information:

Parameter Value
Name Deploy K8s Application
Inventory Edge Systems
Project Device Edge Codebase
Execution Environment Device Edge Workshops Execution Environment
Playbook playbooks/deploy-k8s-app.yml
  • ✓ Device Credentials
  • Limit
  • ✓ Prompt on launch
  • Remember to click Save.

    Step 3 - Running the Job Template

    Now that the job template has been created, click the Launch button if you are still within the Deploy K8s Application Job Template. Otherwise, click on the rocket ship on the Templates page to launch the job template. Enter your device name when prompted on the limits page. Monitor the output for any errors or issues. However, hopefully the job executes successfully.

    As a reminder, the output of jobs can be reviewed on the Jobs tab.

    Step 4 - Manual Verification

    In lieu of completing the Bonus Steps below, a few manual steps can be taken to verify the application is up and functioning:

    1. SSH to the edge system using the IP address from the ansible_host variable in Ansible Controller
    2. Copy the kubeconfig to the user’s home directory: sudo cp /var/lib/microshift/resources/kubeadmin/kubeconfig .kubeconfig
    3. Download the oc cli tool: curl --output openshift-client-linux.tar.gz
    4. Extract the oc CLI tool: tar -xzvf openshift-client-linux.tar.gz
    5. Set the kubeconfig env var: export KUBECONFIG=~/.kubeconfig
    6. Check deployments: ./oc get deployments

    Assuming everything is working, 4 deployments should exist within the process-control namespace.

    In addition, the playbook above could be modified to include these steps or similar steps to get the status of the deployed application.

    Bonus Steps

    For some extra practice, an additional step must be taken to access the application.

    1. Since we did not set up an OpenShift Route (or DNS), add a Route definition, adjust the deployment playbook, re-run it, and configure your personal device’s DNS settings (one option is to add a line in /etc/hosts), then attempt to access the application.
    2. Use the oc CLI utility and the port-forward subcommand to create a tunnel to the application and test connectivity.


    Deploy K8s Template


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