Workshop Exercise 3.1 - Introduction to FDO

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In this exercise, we’ll learn about what FDO is and review the key principles of Red Hat’s implimentation of secure device onboarding.

Step 1 - An Overview of FDO

FDO, or FIDO Device Onboard is actually a specification for securely onboarding devices, specifically edge and IoT devices. It works to solve the fundamental challenge of “how do I know this edge device is mine, and hasn’t been tampered with”.

A few of the key design principles for FDO are:

Red Hat’s implimentation integrates with the Device Edge stack to provide the ability to securely onboard Device Edge at remote sites.

Step 2 - The Overall Workflow

FDO Workflow

The FDO workflow involves 7 major steps:

  1. The device manufacturer preps devices with the FDO client and certifcates, and creates an ownership voucher
  2. The device manufacturer stores the ownership voucher and sends the device to its destination
  3. The device owner boots the device
  4. The devices calls out to the rendezvous server
  5. The rendezvous server sends the information of the onboarding server
  6. The device forms a secure channel with the onboarding server
  7. The device grabs secrets and files, as well as automated configuration steps

Step 3 - Creating the Ownership Voucher

Ownership Voucher

In Red Hat’s implimenation of FDO, the ownership voucher steps are handled by the edge-simplified-installer. We’ll provide the address of our manufacturing server, and the installer will handle the rest while applying our image to the edge device.

Step 4 - First Boot at Destination

First Boot

Once the device has reached its destination, steps 3-7 from above happen. For our lab today, we’ll be using the ‘all-in-one’ setup of FDO, so all the components will reside on the same system, however production implimentations will have the various functionality spread out across different systems.

Special Thanks

A special thank you to Luis Arizmendi Alonso for his deep dives on FDO, which are referenced heavily throughout this workshop.


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