Red Hat Device Edge Workshop - Trade Show Edition

This workshop focuses on providing a polished experience with Device Edge. Students will walk through creating an image, booting a device over the network, and deploying a workload to the device. This is a more “click-through” experience, in that students will spend less time configuring components, and more time interacting with devices, the workload, and optionally interacting with a scaled down industrial control system.

Table of Contents


The exercises are self explanatory and guide the participants through the entire lab. All concepts are explained as they are introduced.

Also, have a look at our Ansible Best Practices Deck: Ansible Best Practices

Time planning

The time required to do the workshops strongly depends on multiple factors: the number of participants, how familiar those are with Linux in general and how much discussions are done in between.

Having said that, this workshop is built to take roughly 4 hours.

Lab Diagram

Lab Diagram

Section 1 - Investigating the Lab Environment

Section 2 - Creating an Image via the Image Builder WebUI

Section 3 - Creating an Image via the infra.osbuild Collection

Section 4 - Provisioning an Edge Device

Section 5 - Deploying an Application

Section 6 - Leveraging the community.cip Collection

Supplamental Resources

Instructor Resources