Workshop Exercise 6.2 - Adding an Inventory for CIP Devices

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In this exercise, we’ll take a look at CIP and the community.cip Ansible collection.

Step 1 - Running the Job Template


Before running your job template, confirm with the lab instructor.

Now that the job template has been created, click the Launch button if you are still within the Run Motor job template. Otherwise, click on the rocket ship on the Templates page to launch the job template. Monitor the output for any errors or issues. However, hopefully the job executes successfully.

As a reminder, the output of jobs can be reviewed on the Jobs tab. Ideally, the motor in the demo case will begin to spin as your instance of Ansible Controller changes tags on the PLC.


With great power comes great responsibility. Instead of switches and routers, Ansible could be controling real world things that light up and spin. Always exercise extreme caution when making changes against real world systems.


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