Demo: Summit Connect 2023

This demo is a deep dive on Red Hat Device Edge’s functionality, including an introduction to Image Builder and the infra.osbuild Ansible collection, greenboot, and microshift. Particular attention will be given to building applications into an image, along with configuring health checks to trigger rollbacks.

Demo Presentation

This demo is presentor-led, and the slides can be found here for Red Hatters or here for everyone.

This demo can be given using edge devices or by simply using virtual machines on a laptop, depending on what’s easier.

Additional Presentations

The exercises are self explanatory and guide the participants through the entire lab. All concepts are explained as they are introduced.

Have a look at a general deck about Red Hat’s Edge strategy: Red Hat Edge Compute Platform

Also, have a look at our Ansible Best Practices Deck: Ansible Best Practices

Supplamental Resources

Instructor Resources